Character Voice Casting 970.223.3659

Character Voice Casting 970-223-3659

Cartoons & Animations

Cast voices for your new cartoon pilot, or animated project.

Games, Toys & E-Learning

Cast a voice cast for your new gaming title or new video game.

Phone Apps & More

Casting voices for your android, iphone or web application.

Listen to Free Voice Casting Audio

Preparing Your Voice Casting | VoiceTOONS Casting Tip

VoiceTOONS Welcome to VoiceTOONS, directed by award winning voice actor, and voice casting director Anthony Reece. We are a character voice over, voice casting and animation voice over studio, offering game voices and cartoon voices  since 2004. Anthony Reece personally helps you audition, cast, co-direct and record voice over dialogue…

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Voice Talent Selection | Picking a Voice From Auditions

VoiceTOONS Welcome to VoiceTOONS, directed by award winning voice actor, and voice casting director Anthony Reece. We are a character voice over, voice casting and animation voice over studio, offering game voices and cartoon voices  since 2004. Anthony Reece personally helps you audition, cast, co-direct and record voice over dialogue…

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Voice Talent Services | What To Expect from Voice Talent

VoiceTOONS Welcome to VoiceTOONS, directed by award winning voice actor, and voice casting director Anthony Reece. We are a character voice over, voice casting and animation voice over studio, offering game voices and cartoon voices  since 2004. Anthony Reece personally helps you audition, cast, co-direct and record voice over dialogue…

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VoiceTOONS 970.223.3659

Character Voices | Game Voices | Cartoon Voices | Animation Voice Casting


Welcome to VoiceTOONS, directed by award winning voice actor, and voice casting director Anthony Reece. We are a character voice over, voice casting and animation voice over studio, offering game voices and cartoon voices  since 2004. Anthony Reece personally helps you audition, cast, co-direct and record voice over dialogue for cartoons, games, toys, e-learning projects and animations.

We create CUSTOM voice over casts for, animations, animators, gaming studios in the gaming community and original cartoon character voice overs within the cartoon industry.

As a private character voice over. animation voice and game voice casting director, VoiceTOONS is NOT a typical pay-to-play automated voice casting website.

We become your private, and personal voice casting partner for games, cartoons, pilots and more. Here you do not deal with different character voice talent, rates, individual contracts and voice talent payments, not to mention varied voice talent studio recording quality problems.

We handle it all as a professional voice over casting, recording and dialogue delivery service creating character voices for animations, web apps, video games, toys, cartoons, pilots, broadcast, e-learning and more. Our voice actor auditions are reviewed, then selected by you as the final voice cast.

We then direct and record the talent with our director, award winning casting director and voice talent Anthony Reece.

With clients worldwide, VoiceTOONS and Anthony Reece specializes in original character voice overs, voice casting and voice over dialogues within the entertainment industry. He acts as YOUR PARTNER, not another virtual “do it yourself” casting website.

Together he will mentor you, teach you, audition, cast, record, edit and deliver voice over dialogue, game characters, audio-book narrations and more in budget.

Make VoiceTOONS and Mr. Reece your casting partner within a realistic cast budget. Let us be your “go to studio” offering only the best non-union voice actors.